


It is known as ferropenic anemia the condition in which the blood has low red blood cells or hemoglobin (iron content). The symptoms are: paleness, weakness and tendency to tire easily. They are considered subclinical manifestations (they do not present a life risk for those who suffer them) that trigger long-term problems.

These are the SaludBox supplements that we recommend to prevent iron-deficiency anemia:


Folic acid

Folic acid

Folic Acid

Folic acid and its salts –called folates– are necessary in the growth of tissues. One of its functions in children and adults is to help prevent anemia, since it allows an optimal use of circulating iron.

Folic acid is a type of vitamin B, therefore it is a water-soluble substance. Excesses are eliminated by urine. As it is a necessary substance, there must be a constant intake for its periodic renewal.

You will find folic acid in the following supplements of SaludBox:


VitiMax Kids

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a polysaccharide that has a structural function and that intervenes in some metabolic processes, such as scarring.

In humans, its concentration in the joints, cartilage and skin stands out. In an average man weighing 70 kilograms, there can be a total of 15 grams of  acid in his body, and a third of it is degraded and synthesized each day.

It has the property of retaining large amounts of water and adopt a hydrated form of large volume, so they are useful when quilting or lubricate.

You will find this ingredient in the following supplements of SaludBox:

Bocaft (healthy chewing gum)

Bocaft (tablets)

Immune system

Immune system

Immune system

The immune system is the body’s natural defense against infections. Through a series of processes, the body fights and destroys the invading infectious organisms before they cause damage. When the immune system is working properly, it protects the body from infections that might cause sickness.




Iron is an essential mineral for life, although it is found in very little proportion in the human body. It is paramount in the transport of oxygen, along with the process of cellular respiration. Because it is essential in the formation of red blood cells.

In women its deficit is quite frequent, due to the monthly menstruation hemorrhages, in addition, in pregnancy the mother passes iron to the baby, thus decreasing its level in the body. These situations can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

You will find Iron in the following complements of SaludBox:
